Monday, September 13, 2010

The Bitter Relevance of Irony

     So, there is this class that I am taking called The Examined Life. In it, we explore ways that we can make our college experiences more fruitful and how we can translate our experiences to the world both during our time here and after we graduate. Basically, it's a feel good class that reinforces good moral values and makes you think about that kind of stuff. Well, today, the pristine image that I had for the class was shattered by an aluminum bat of a journal question.
     For every little segment of the class, every student has to answer various questions that entail to different aspects of the course and its called a journal assignment. Well, we are finishing up our first segment, and we have our first journal due, whatever. Anywho, I go through the first five questions no problem, just normal, smarmy questions that are supposed to make you think in depth and other bullshit like that. Then I get to the last question, and flipped some serious shit. 
     The question had to do with a C.S.Lewis article that we had read, and the first half of the question was fine, just why everyone should go to college. To learn, duh, easy, next part. Brick wall. The question reads "What, on Lewis' view, would an educated person 'look like' and why would that matter?", ok, what?! Firstly, I don't believe that people should be judged by their appearance, and if they are, because I do it all the time (yay me, the hypocrite!), it should not change the way that they are treated. Secondly, Lewis did not talk about physical appearance AT ALL in the article that we read, so I still don't fully understand why they asked it. With a troubled mind, I moved on to the last part of the question.
     Instant mindfuck. "What does this have to do with academic integrity?" (talking about physical appearance here still". Ok, wait just one fucking moment, someone shoot me to make sure I'm still coherent here. How does physical appearance relate to academic integrity? They're really gonna go there? Ok, I was gonna let the first little bit go, but now that this has come up, the gloves are off, bitches. 
     Ok, so, here we go. I cannot believe that, in today's society, at a legitimate college, in a course that is like the one I described above, a question like this is being asked. Completely blows my mind. In fact, I first read the question about, oh...12 hours ago? and it still makes me shake with rage. Why in the motherfucking HELL are we being expected to compare superficiality to a serious matter. Just because I look like a complete slob in the mornings for my 9:05 biology class does not mean that I am going to plagiarize every single essay and cheat every test that comes my way. Or, apparently it does, because that's sure as hell what whoever wrote that question is trying to get at! It just...I can' words are able to describe how much I want to find the author of this question and punch them in the face. It's absolutely unbelievable to me! 
     Sometimes, the audacity of people makes me want to drive a bus full of orphans into a gas station. I mean, for cereal, I am just completely wrecked by this question. I actually wrote a one page response specifically to the person who wrote the question, telling them how wrong they were when they wrote it and pretty much calling for their head. 
     And then there's the whole other situation going on...well, it's taking a dive headfirst straight for the pavement. Supposedly, I have nothing to worry about, but it's hard for me to believe that when...well, things just went horribly wrong tonight, and I'm just completely stressin' over it. Not to mention school, but that seems to take the backseat these days. Siiigh, just another day in the life I suppose.

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